KALO will conduct free lecture for Student

 KALO (Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontits) will open lecture about basic lingual orthodontics 10th of July. Every year KALO have been opened this kind of lectures for wide spreading lingual orthodontics, There are 11 dental college in South Korea, Some of them have their own lingual courses for student and the others have no program about lingual orthodontics.

 Three young rising lecturer will present there experience to dental student, Dr. Jong-Sam Nam, Dr. Sun-Kyu Park and Prof. Yoon-Ji Kim.

 There title are

 "Incisal positioning and its impact in smile esthetics" - Prof. Yoon-Ji Kim

"Alignment and leveling in lingual orthodontics" - Dr. Jong-Sam Nam

"Model setup for lingual orthodontics" - Dr. Sun-Kyu Park